Working In Canada
Canada is a land of opportunities for foreign skilled workers, according to the official website of Canadian Citizenship and Immigration, Every year; over 150,000 foreign workers enter Canada to work temporarily in jobs that help Canadian employers address skill shortages, or to work as live-in caregivers. There is shortage of skilled workers all over Canada, specially in interior British Columbia and provinces like Manitoba, Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island and Alberta, connect to these employers by creating and uploading your video resume on our site
In Canada, for certain professions every province has its own licensing and regulatory requirements, if you acquired your education and skills from a country other than Canada, you may be asked to get a license or to be registered with a regulatory body. In order to do so a credential evaluation / trade assessment will be needed to complete the professional certification. We assist you in both processes. send your details for assessment and evaluation of your options. In case you need a trade certification our online workshops can help you to prepare for your Red-Seal Certification Exam.