WorkPlace Development

Pre-Joining Training

You have successfully recruited your ideal candidate. They have been interviewed and hired; the first piece of the puzzle has been successfully placed. At this time there are few more puzzle pieces needed to complete and fully onboard a productive new addition to your workforce. The pre-boarding training must begin. This includes administrative aspects such as company policy, work place layout, scheduling, product and service orientation, and this training could take a few days to a week.

There is always the scenario where your newly hired addition needs more training perhaps they are in need of brush up courses. These courses include basic to intermediate typing skills, excel skills, word, or power point. We offer these skill building courses to assist in the pre-training to on boarding of the new addition.

When a new hire is not successfully pre-trained they may feel like they donÃt fit in their new position and may decide to leave, therefore causing you the employer to begin the process over. This unsuccessful hire costs valuable time and money and loss of revenue with a vacant position.

This process provides a guarantee that the new hire will fit in the new environment, and will thrive and grow to fully productive member of the team. This step by step overview will explain the process further.
Once you retained our services for recruitment of workers, we collect detailed Job related Information, which includes job duties, desired qualifications, job site information, number of current employees , schedules, company policies and procedures etc. Anything and everything which can affect the performance of a new worker will be gathered from you. Based on this information we will prepare the training packages for your approval

When the training packages are prepared we assess the needs of the client and tailor the training accordingly. As an added bonus to the recruitment process the candidates will undergo personality testing. These tests will provide a an added insight to the behaviour and strengths the candidates may demonstrate in work place scenarios. This will also give added insight to the possible training needed.


We will tailor the training packages with the information collected from both you the employer and the candidates profile i.e. resume details, work experience, education, and interview details. We then prepare the package and material accordingly for your approval.

Once the collection of the information is completed and we have surveyed the resources needed a quote will be provided for the courses and tutorials. Depending on the situation the cost of the training will be billed to you the employer, candidate/potential new hire

Once the course material is ready it will be submitted for your review and approval.

The approved material will then be converted into an online course and video tutorials. The course will be monitored, and administered by one of our instructors, who will assist the students in the process and will measure their performance

Once the course is completed the student will be tested. This will give an accurate measure of their knowledge and performance. These results will be provided to you along with the on boarding package.

Once the student has been tested and cleared the course to the needs of the employer they will receive a certificate of completion. If the desired applicant does not pass or meet the expectations they may retake the course. At that time they will be retested and cleared.

Upon successful course completion the candidate will move on from the potential hire to a successfully pre trained new employee


Complete the Trade Assessment form, and submit to our professional staff. You will be contacted within 2 business days with a recommendation.

Employee Certifications

Professional Certification is rewarding to both you (as an Employer) and your Employee. Especially in certain trades, having RedSeal certified employees not only increases your quality of service, but also increases the confidence your clients have in you. Anyone looking to get a job well done would prefer a company who provides the services through certified professionals.

Employers normally feel that getting their existing staff certified or hiring someone locally or from overseas who can be certified upon arrival, would be an expensive or a tedious step. Our company provides a very comprehensive and economical solution for such employers; a step-by-step process is explained below, which will give you a fair idea about each stage. If you are planning to upgrade skills and certification of your existing workers or you are in the process of hiring new workers and would like to have them Job-Ready with all the required certifications, you can contact us for a quote. This expense is an investment you make into your company to gain confidence of your clients, and its financially rewarding, because clients pay more for work done by certified professionals than an uncertified worker.


Complete the Trade Assessment form, and submit to our professional staff. You will be contacted within 2 business days with a recommendation.

Trade Assessment

The Trade Workers (such as Carpenters, Welders, Auto Mechanics, Cooks etc) with their past experience (experience gained in Canada or from overseas or combination of both) and have never been certified in Canada, can apply to challenge the certification in their trade.

Certification in your trades means recognition of your experience; those who are certified are paid higher than the non-certified workers.

Employers who have certified workers, gain confidence from their customers by providing high quality work.

The whole process is divided in following steps:

  • First the worker or the employer on behalf of worker applies for the assessment of the past experience of the worker. This application is to be submitted to a designated body of the respective province.
  • Each province has its own criteria of assessment; the designated body will assess the qualifications and past experience of the applicant under the provincial guidelines.
  • After the assessment, if the applicant is deemed qualified to challenge the certification exam. The designated body will issue the worker a letter of assessment stating the eligibility of the applicant has been met.
  • After the assessment, if the applicant is deemed qualified to challenge the certification exam. The designated body will issue the worker a letter of assessment stating the eligibility of the applicant has been met.

We can assist in applying for the assessment to the designated bodies of the respective province.


Complete the Trade Assessment form, and submit to our professional staff. You will be contacted within 2 business days with a recommendation.

Language Test Prep

Learning English is not an easy task. People often face many barriers when they are trying to improve their language skills. Language learning is time consuming, classes can be expensive, and it is difficult to know which concepts to study on your own. This is why many individuals opt for learning online as it provides the freedom and flexibility they need to keep up with other life responsibilities.

Studying is more convenient online, but it takes a lot of self discipline to succeed. We offer the prep tools through our institution and we take pride in the type of support we provide to our learners.

Red Seal Certification


The Red Seal Program, formally known as the Interprovincial Standards Red Seal Program, is a program that sets common standards to assess the skills of trades’ people across Canada. Industry is heavily involved in developing the national standard for each trade. It is a partnership between the federal government and provinces and territories, which are responsible for apprenticeship training and trade certification in their jurisdictions.

Tradespersons who have successfully passed the Red Seal examination receive a Red Seal endorsement on their provincial/territorial trade certificate. The Red Seal, when affixed to a provincial or territorial trade certificate, indicates that a tradesperson has demonstrated the knowledge required for the national standard in that trade. The Red Seal endorsement promotes excellence to employers, instills pride in skilled workers, and facilitates labour mobility. Certification and Red Seal endorsement of a tradesperson can be confirmed with the provincial or territorial apprenticeship authority that issued the Red Seal.

The Red Seal Program was created following the first National Conference on Apprenticeship in Trades and Industries, which was held in Ottawa in 1952. Participants recommended that the provinces and territories ask the federal government to work with their apprenticeship committees and officials to prepare standards for the skilled trades.

Who Administers the Program?

Provinces and territories are responsible for apprenticeship training and trade certification in their respective jurisdictions, including the administration of the Red Seal Program in their jurisdictions (for example, Red Seal examinations). Most provinces and territories use the Red Seal examination as the final certification exam in designated Red Seal trades. The Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship (CCDA) is responsible for the Red Seal Program. All provinces and territories and the federal government participate as members of the CCDA.

Provinces and territories are responsible for apprenticeship training and trade certification in their respective jurisdictions, including the administration of the Red Seal Program in their jurisdictions (for example, Red Seal examinations). Most provinces and territories use the Red Seal examination as the final certification exam in designated Red Seal trades. The Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship (CCDA) is responsible for the Red Seal Program. All provinces and territories and the federal government participate as members of the CCDA.

About this exam preparation guide

This exam preparation guide is designed to inform you about the Red Seal exam process. The guide provides you information about what to do before taking your Red Seal exam, the exam itself and what happens after you write your exam. The Red Seal exams are developed in collaboration with provinces and territories across the country. However, provincial and territorial apprenticeship authorities are responsible for managing and administering the exams for Red Seal trades (Appendix A). If you meet all the requirements to write the Red Seal exam for your trade, please contact your provincial or territorial office (Appendix B) to register.

The exam preparation guide also provides strategies for test preparation and study habits. It contains examples of: multiple choice questions, study plan, assessment checklist, and other useful tips to help you prepare for the Red Seal exam.

Contact your local apprenticeship office for further information and assistance in preparing for your Red Seal exam.

Determine your eligibility

To write the Red Seal exam for your trade, you must meet the requirements of your province or territory. If you are an apprentice or a trade qualifier, eligibility criteria to the Red Seal exam may be different.

  • Apprentice: You are completing an apprenticeship program that has been registered with your provincial or territorial apprenticeship office.
  • Trade qualifier or “challenger”: You are experienced in your trade but you have not completed an apprenticeship program and you are not certified as a journeyperson.

Note:  If you are a foreign national who has previous experience in one of the trades, you may be eligible to challenge the red-seal exam, the first step to challenge this exam, your previous work experience has to be assessed by the concerned provincial body, if you want us to assist you in the process of assessment, click here to submit the form.

  • Journeyperson: You hold a Provincial or Territorial Certificate of Qualification or the equivalent.

The Red Seal exams are administered by the provincial and territorial apprenticeship and certification authorities. You must register at one of their offices in order to write the Red Seal exam.

Most provinces and territories have application forms available on their website. If you have questions or cannot find the Red Seal exam application form, contact your provincial or territorial apprenticeship office when registering, you may also ask about the following:

Exam language

Choose whether you want to write the exam in English or in French. Confirm with your provincial or territorial office that your copy will be in the language of your choice.

Special needs

If you have special needs, ask about accommodations you may be entitled to when writing the exam. Keep in mind that the request for accommodation has to be made well in advance.

Pay your exam fee

The cost of the exam varies by province and territory. Your apprenticeship office will let you know the cost when you register for your exam.

Book time off

Schedule enough time off with your employer to avoid being rushed.

Getting to the exam

Make sure you know exactly where and when the exam will take place. Plan ahead and allow yourself plenty of time for traffic, parking, late buses, etc.

To earn your Red Seal endorsement, you will be tested on the knowledge, skills and abilities that are outlined in the National Occupation Analysis (NOA) for your trade.

Your trade’s NOA is your best study guide. The Red Seal exam questions are based on the NOA sub-tasks.

The NOA outlines important information about your trade:
  • Trade activities (tasks and sub-tasks)
  • Trends
  • Essential skills
  • Safety measures
  • Technical terms
  • Glossary
  • Tools and equipment
  • Acronyms


1. Using your NOA to prepare for your Red Seal exam

Each trade’s NOA is available on the Red Seal website.

The NOA for your trade is organized into the following headings: Blocks, Tasks and Sub-tasks.

BLOCKS: The NOA is divided into major content areas called Blocks. Each block includes the trends that impact the trade related to the block, the components (products, items, materials) relevant to the block, and the tools and equipment used to perform all tasks in the block.

TASKS: The Blocks are then divided into Tasks. Each task gives the context to clarify the intent and meaning of the task. It also lists the required knowledge that an individual must acquire to adequately perform the task.

SUB-TASKS: The Sub-tasks are the specific functions you perform in relation to a task. Key competencies appear under each sub-task that describe the activities you should be able to do to be considered competent in your trade.

Examples of Block, Task and Sub-task headings for the carpenter NOA.

Source: Carpenter NOA 2013

Caption: This is example of the Block, the Task and the Sub-task heading for the carpenter NOA.

Remember: the Red Seal exam covers the scope of the trade included in the NOA.

Look at the exam breakdown

To plan your study time, have a look at the appendices of your trade’s NOA. You will find a Pie Chart similar to this one:

Titles of Blocks

This pie chart demonstrates the percentage of the total number of questions on the exam assigned to eachblock of the NOA.

  • Block A – Common Occupational Skills - 14%
  • Block B – Planning and Layout - 18%
  • Block C – Concrete - 15%
  • Block D – Framing - 17%
  • Block E – Exterior Finish - 13%
  • Block F – Interior Finish - 13%
  • Block G – Renovations - 10%

Source: Carpenter NOA 2013

The percentage of the total number of questions on the exam assigned to each block of the NOA comes from the collective input from tradespeople within the occupation from all areas of Canada.

This information also appears on the Exam Counselling Sheet, available on the Red Seal website.

Titles of BlocksPercentage (%) of questions on exam
A – Common Occupational Skills14
B – Planning and Layout18
C – Concrete15
D – Framing17
E – Exterior Finish13
F – Interior Finish13
G – Renovations10

In this case, if the exam has 100 questions, 14 questions would be on Block A, 18 on Block B, etc.

The Block and Task Weighting tables, available in all NOAs, will give you more precise information related to the percentage of questions for each task in each block.

Note: The number of questions on an exam vary between 100 and 150, depending on the trade.

Block and Task Weighting


The first table shows the percentage that each province and territory recommended for this specific block in the NOA. The number you need to focus on is the National Average, which is the actual percentage of questions for each block on the exam. In this example, 17% of the questions are on Block D. Therefore, if the exam has 100 questions, 17 questions (100 X 17%) are on Framing.

Task 10: Constructs floor systems


The second table shows the percentage of questions assigned to a specific task in the block. This means, 28% of the questions from Block D are on Task 10. Therefore, on a 100-question exam, about 5 questions are on Constructs Floor Systems (100 x 17% x 28%).

The exam breakdown will help you focus on the blocks and tasks that make up most of your trade exam. Make sure that you cover each block and all tasks and sub-tasks when you prepare for your Red Seal exam.

Create a checklist

The Task Profile Chart at the very end of the NOA is a visual overview of all the tasks and sub-tasks you need to know to perform in your trade.

Use it as a self-assessment tool, by checking off the sub-tasks in which you are experienced and knowledgeable. Then highlight the topics you need more experience on. Check to see how much weight is assigned to these sections. You will then see which area you need to focus on when preparing for your Red Seal exam.

Review your terminology

The appendices of your NOA contain information on the terms you need to know in your trade. These terms may be used in exam questions, along with other technical terms related to the sub-tasks.

Use it as a self-assessment tool, by checking off the sub-tasks in which you are experienced and knowledgeable. Then highlight the topics you need more experience on. Check to see how much weight is assigned to these sections. You will then see which area you need to focus on when preparing for your Red Seal exam.

Tools and Equipment:

Schedule enough time off with your employer to avoid being rushed.


Definitions for technical terms used in the NOA.


A listing of acronyms used in your trade and what they stand for.

Example of the Task Profile Chart for the Carpenter trade.
D – Framing10. Constructs floor systems.

10.01 Installs engineered floor systems.

10.02 Constructs dimensional lumber floor framing.


11. Constructs deck systems.

11.01 Constructs decks.

11.02 Installs decks components.

 12. Constructs wall systems.12.01 Installs engineered wall systems.12.02 Installs decks components.

Source: Carpenter NOA 2013

Red Seal exams are made up of multiple choice questions. Familiarize yourself with the format by testing yourself with sample questions.

Disclaimer: The practice questions are used to demonstrate the structure and phrasing of Red Seal exam questions. They are for study purposes only. Success on these questions will NOT result in certification and does NOT represent how you will perform on the exam.

Take note that the Red Seal Program is not responsible for the development of the questions and tools on any other websites and does not endorse them.

Examples of different types of questions you may see on your Red Seal exam.

Note: These questions come from the sample questions available on the Red Seal website.

Some questions are used to check your trade knowledge.

In which circuit conductor must switches for lighting be connected?

  1. Unfused.
  2. Identified.
  3. Grounded.
  4. Ungrounded.

Source: Construction Electrician trade sample question

Some questions test your ability to apply mathematical formulas to a trade-related situation.

The shaft is 23.029 in. long and the gear assembly length is 23.015 in. What thickness of shims is required if the gear assembly requires a 0.005 in. preload?

  1. 0.005 in.
  2. 0.009 in.
  3. 0.014 in.
  4. 0.019 in.

Source: Agricultural Equipment Technician trade sample question

Some questions are used to check problem solving skills related to your trade.

How is a compressed air line installed to allow draining of condensation from the piping system?

  1. By installing the piping level and providing a drip leg.
  2. By grading up in the direction of flow with an air vent at the high point.
  3. By grading down in the direction of flow towards the condensation collection point.
  4. By installing the piping level and connecting branches to the bottom.

Source: Steamfitter/Pipefitter trade sample question

Some questions may use metric and/or imperial systems. Depending on your trade, one or two systems may be used. Make sure you understand both.

A roof has a 1 in 3 (4 in 12) slope and a 750 mm (30 in.) overhang. The exterior walls measure 150 mm (6 in.) thick overall. Which width of eave protection is required?

A.900 mm36 in.
B.1,050 mm42 in.
C.1,200 mm48 in.
D.1,350 mm54 in.

Source: Roofer trade sample question

Note: Other types of questions, such as interpretation of diagrams, can also be found on the Red Seal exam.

Language Training

If your first language is not English or French, check with your local apprenticeship office about language training options to help prepare you to take the exam.

 Essential Skills Self-Assessment and Training

Essential skills refer to skills you need to learn, work and live. They are:

Essential Skills
ReadingUnderstanding materials written in sentences or paragraph (e.g. letters, manuals)
WritingWriting texts and writing in documents (for example, filling in forms)
Non-paper-based writing (for example, typing on a computer)
Document UseUse of a variety of information displays (e.g. graphs, lists, tables, blueprints, schematics, drawings, signs and labels)
NumeracyUse of numbers and capability to think in quantitative terms
Computer UseUse computers and other forms of technology
ThinkingProblem solving
Decision making
Critical thinking
Job task planning and organizing
Significant use of memory
Finding information
Oral CommunicationUse of speech to give and exchange thoughts and information
Working with OthersWork independently, alongside others or as a member of a team
Continuous LearningKnowing how to learn
Understanding one’s own learning style
Knowing how to gain access to a variety of materials, resources and learning opportunities

Essential skills are used in specific contexts in each trade. Refer to the NOA for your trade to find out how essential skills are used in your trade..

A self-assessment tool and other learning resources are available on the Employment and Social Development Canada website. Evaluate which areas you need to work on and refer to your apprenticeship office for information on how to upgrade your essential skills.

The following website also contains advice on preparing for you Red Seal Exam.

Dealing with Stress and Exam Anxiety

The Red Seal exam is an important step to becoming certified. Even with adequate preparation, you may feel stressed and anxious. A bit of stress might be beneficial as it keeps you alert. However, if you feel too anxious before or during your exam, you may make some mistakes that could be avoided by following these simple tips:

  • Plan your time: Allow yourself enough time to learn and study before your exam. It might be a good idea to schedule your exam a few weeks later if it helps you to succeed on your first attempt.
  • Breathe: Calm and deep breathing may help you to re-focus on your goals and to find the answers more easily.
  • Talk to yourself: Remind yourself of why you are taking the exam, remember the time and effort you have put into your training and exam preparation.
  • One step at a time: Concentrate on one task at a time, and on one question at a time. If you can’t answer a question, note the number and come back to it at the end. Answer every question to the best of your abilities.
  • Fill your mind with positive images: Your last vacation, your favorite activity, someone who helps you to feel grounded. Once you feel more calm, return to your study or to your exam sheet.
  • Physical activity helps to deal with stressful situations like exams. Enough rest and proper nutrition are also key to dealing with anxiety.
  • If these strategies don’t work for you, you may develop other methods to reduce anxiety or consider consulting a specialist.

Study Strategies

  • Prepare a summary or create flashcards, flowcharts and diagrams of key information, including:
    • formulas
    • definitions
    • key concepts.
  • Ask your employer and your co-workers for help in the areas where you feel less confident.
  • Take an exam preparation course (if available — contact your local apprenticeship office).
  • Make sure you use the code book the exam is based on (if applicable). Read textbooks (if you don’t have any, ask for recommendations at the library or a local college).
  • Try teaching another tradesperson, friend or co-worker. You will find teaching someone else requires a good understanding of the subject.
  • Study on your own first to identify what you don’t know. Then, study with others who are preparing for the same exam.
  • Allow yourself enough time to study each block in advance, and to do a general review a few days before the exam.
  • Find study strategies and memory techniques that work well for you, such as creating sentences with the first letters of key words, re-writing your notes, drawing, or even singing your formulas! Be creative!
  • Create a study plan. Try using a blank weekly or monthly calendar, depending on the time you have before your exam. Highlight the times of each day to plan for your study. It’s more efficient to plan regular periods each day than to condense all the study for one long time period at the last minute.
  • Don’t procrastinate!
  • Once you have a study plan, stick to it.

Your study plan should include time for:

  • Self-assessment (sub-tasks, essential skills, language skills, etc.)
  • Studying
  • Answering sample questions
  • Reviewing
  • Resting
Example of a study plan:


Ask for time off to write exam



Ask employer about sub-tasks B-7.02 and C-11.03


Ask colleagues about calculations of quantity of material


9am to 12pm
Glossary, acronyms and math formulas

12pm to 2pm

2pm to 5pm
Practice sample questions

10am to 12pm
Review all blocks

1pm to 4pm
Review NOA + Task profile Chart

6pm to 7pm
Assess essential skills

7pm to 9pm
Study Blocks A and B

5pm to 6pm

6:30pm to 9pm
Review Blocks A and B
Study Block C

5pm to 6pm
Review C

6:30pm to 9pm
Study Block D

5pm to 6pm
Review D

6:30pm to 9pm
Study Blocks E and F

5pm to 6pm

6:30pm to 9pm
Review Blocks E and F

5pm to 6pm

6:30pm to 8:30pm

Go to bed early: exam is tomorrow!


You could also base your study plan on the Task Profile Chart of your trade. For example:
Content to coverActionsLevel of knowledgeResourcesStudy dates and time required

Maintains suspension

Link cause to effect if suspension problem



Monday morning
2 hours

Repairs rubber block suspension systems

Explain procedure to fix it
Name tools needed



Glossary (NOA)

Tuesday morning
45 minutes


You could also base your study plan on the Task Profile Chart of your trade. For example:
Content to coverActionsLevel of knowledgeResourcesStudy dates and time required

Maintains suspension

Link cause to effect if suspension problem



Monday morning
2 hours

Repairs rubber block suspension systems

Explain procedure to fix it
Name tools needed



Glossary (NOA)

Tuesday morning

What to bring to the exam?

  • Photo ID (government-issued personal identification, such as a valid driver’s license)
  • Apprenticeship I.D. from your jurisdiction (if applicable)
  • Exam confirmation letter
  • Any other materials listed in your exam confirmation letter

What to expect during the exam?

  • You will not be allowed to talk to other candidates.
  • During the exam you are not allowed to access personal items, such as bags, mobile phones or any type of electronic or communication devices.
  • In some trades, you may be provided with reference documents such as code books. Your exam may include a diagram booklet, an acronym sheet and a mathematical formula sheet.
  • You will have to fill out the personal information section on your answer sheet. Wait for the signal from the invigilator of the exam before marking the answer sheet.
  • All materials must be returned to the invigilator of the exam.
  • If you don’t follow these rules, your exam may be invalidated.

What is the exam format?

  • The maximum time allowed is 4 hours.
  • There are between 100 and 150 questions per exam depending on the trade.
  • You will receive an exam package containing the questions, an answer sheet and scrap paper.
  • All questions are multiple choice and of equal value.
  • Each question has four possible choices (A, B, C and D). Only one answer is correct.
  • The pass mark is 70%.

Red Seal exams are written exclusively in a multiple choice format. There are no trick questions. Each question has four possible choices. The three incorrect answers are called ‘distracters’ because they are intended to look believable and distract you from the correct answer if you don’t know your trade adequately. You will need to read the question carefully as a single word can change the meaning of the answer.


Which trade is a designated Red Seal trade?

  1. Florist
  2. Locksmith
  3. Shipwright
  4. Boilermaker

In this example, the correct answer is D. The other three possible answers are the distracters. Although believable, as they are all trades, all three are incorrect because they are not Red Seal trades. Once you have chosen your answer, completely fill the appropriate circle on your answer sheet. The answer sheet is separate from your exam booklet.

If the answer to question one is D, go to line 1 on the answer sheet and completely fill in the D circle.

Example of the answer sheet you will receive for your exam.

The exam is graded by a computer, so when marking your answers:

  • use an HB pencil only.
  • press firmly with the pencil to ensure the circle is filled in completely.
  • to change an answer, erase cleanly.
  • do not make stray marks on the answer sheet.
  • check regularly to ensure your mark is on the correct line, especially if you have skipped any questions.

What happens after you take the Red Seal exam?

Red Seal exam results

Your provincial or territorial apprenticeship and certification office will send you your exam results. This can take up to four weeks. Refer to your exam confirmation letter for more information.

Results are not released over the phone.

Receiving your Red Seal

If you are completing your provincial or territorial certification at the same time as your Red Seal exam, the Red Seal may be affixed to your provincial or territorial certificate.

If you already have a provincial certificate and you want to have the Red Seal affixed to your card, you may need to send your current card to your provincial and territorial apprenticeship office. Refer to your exam confirmation letter for more information.

What if you do not pass your exam?

The Red Seal is the standard of excellence in your trade. As such, Red Seal exams are designed to test the national scope of the trade. If you have less experience in some of the tasks and sub-tasks, you may not pass on your first attempt.

If you do not achieve the 70% pass mark, the number of times you can attempt the exam and the waiting period between attempts are determined by each province and territory. A course of study, approved by the jurisdictional certification authority, must be successfully completed before the third and every subsequent attempt. Contact your local apprenticeship and certification office for clarification.

The following trades are designated as Red Seal trades. Note that your province/territory may have a different name for the trade.

  • Agricultural Equipment Technician
  • Appliance Service Technician
  • Automotive Painter
  • Automotive Service Technician
  • Baker
  • Boilermaker
  • Bricklayer
  • Cabinetmaker
  • Carpenter
  • Concrete Finisher
  • Construction Craft Worker
  • Construction Electrician
  • Cook
  • Drywall Finisher and Plasterer
  • Electric Motor System Technician
  • Floorcovering Installer
  • Gasfitter — Class A
  • Gasfitter — Class B
  • Glazier
  • Hairstylist
  • Heavy Duty Equipment Technician
  • Heavy Equipment Operator (Dozer)
  • Heavy Equipment Operator (Excavator)
  • Heavy Equipment Operator (Tractor-Loader-Backhoe)
  • Industrial Electrician
  • Industrial Mechanic (Millwright)
  • Instrumentation and Control Technician
  • Insulator (Heat and Frost)
  • Ironworker (Generalist)
  • Ironworker (Reinforcing)
  • Ironworker (Structural/Ornamental)
  • Landscape Horticulturist
  • Lather (Interior Systems Mechanic)
  • Machinist
  • Metal Fabricator (Fitter)
  • Mobile Crane Operator
  • Motor Vehicle Body Repairer (Metal and Paint)
  • Motorcycle Mechanic
  • Oil Heat System Technician
  • Painter and Decorator
  • Partsperson
  • Plumber
  • Powerline Technician
  • Recreation Vehicle Service Technician
  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic
  • Rig Technician
  • Roofer
  • Sheet Metal Worker
  • Sprinkler System Installer
  • Steamfitter/Pipefitter
  • Tilesetter
  • Tool and Die Maker
  • Tower Crane Operator
  • Transport Trailer Technician
  • Truck and Transport Mechanic
  • Welder

For information on apprenticeship training and certification, you are encouraged to contact your provincial or territorial apprenticeship office. A representative will be able to guide you through the process.

Date modified: 2016-11-07


Complete the Trade Assessment form, and submit to our professional staff. You will be contacted within 2 business days with a recommendation.